- Website
- https://www.open.mp
Das hier ist der neue OpenMP Launcher für die OpenMP/SAMP Server (Nachfolger für SAMP)
Bitte beachten Sie, dass zum Spielen immer noch Samp installiert sein muss.
Ab Version 1.0.0 braucht man NICHT mehr extra SAMP installieren um zu Spielen
Version 1.5.2
What's Changed
Launcher changes
- Inject samp sooner if possible
- Fix encoding for polish texts in server data
- Fixed omp server check when version string is modified
- Remove manual run as admin launch, just use a GIF file for those who can't understand
- Move data storage back to
to fix the problem with data resetting once in a while - Remove discord status implementation, let native mod handle it
- Remove UPX usage
- Better deep linking
- Copy to clipboard to add server modal's textinput
- Fix the problem with d3dx9_25.dll missing
- Proper shortcut names now
Client mod changes
- Add server to client encryption (open.mp servers only) to securely communicate with server and stay safe against malicious packets.
- Re-implement client check types 69 and 5, for all samp versions (it means 0.3.7 R1 players have it as well).
- Fix animation loading, no more animation preloading on server side, playing it works at first attempt now.
- Fix RemoveBuildingForPlayer crash and remove the limit.
- Fix smoking animation when smoke special action is used and player presses LMB.
- Remove LV and LS stadiums map icons and useless checkpoints.
- Fix vehicle horn playing for others when player is pressing H while having hydraulics component.
- Increase screenshot limit from 1000 to 1,000,000.
- Implement discord status natively and built into client mod.
- 1.0 EU support.
- Fix mouse issues when the game is running on newer Windows versions.
- Remove DirectPlay dependency.
- A small heap corruption fix.
- Fix crash issues happening at 0x0040FB80 and 0x006F5636 (Disable loading of data/Paths/tracks2.dat and data\Paths\tracks4.dat).
- Completely change the way this mod hooks into functions.
- Fix compatibility issues with some CLEO4 scripts and CLEO5 & CLEO Redux.
- Fix compatibility issues with various mods.
- Properly fix animation issues with buffer overflow in names.
Version 1.4.0
What's Changed
- More locales added/fixed.
- A lot of performance fixes
- CLI support with arguments, use
for more info - Server profile in join prompt by showing logo and banner
- Discord status now uses server logos
- Potentially fixed samp.dll injection for everyone
- open.mp client (first variation) has been added
- Better samp version selection
- Add deep linking and URI scheme
and take oversamp://
- Handle URI scheme
- Add discord status buttons to download launcher and play with your friends
- Fully move to x86 (32bits) so we don't have to distribute multiple releases for different people
- No more using UPX for less false-positive malware detection
- Fix password issue when a server was previously locked and a password is stored
Version 1.0.0
What's Changed
Here are list of new changes in latest version of open.mp launcher:
- New design
- SA-MP Installation: No need to download SA-MP separately anymore, you can choose from versions list or keep using the one installed in your game's directory!
- Banners and Discord links: Show open.mp server banners and discord invite link if available
- Ability to toggle Discord status in settings
- Performance and resource usage improvements
- Tens of new languages
Hier ist eine Liste der neuen Änderungen in der neuesten Version des open.mp-Launchers:
- Neues Design
- SA-MP-Installation: Sie müssen SA-MP nicht mehr separat herunterladen, Sie können aus der Versionsliste auswählen oder weiterhin die Version verwenden, die im Verzeichnis Ihres Spiels installiert ist!
- Banner und Discord-Links: Open.mp-Server-Banner und Discord-Einladungslink anzeigen, falls verfügbar
- Möglichkeit, den Discord-Status in den Einstellungen umzuschalten
- Verbesserungen bei Leistung und Ressourcennutzung
- Dutzende neue Sprachen
Version 0.0.1